Lets Talk About PreTerm Labor

Lets Talk About PreTerm Labor

What is PreTerm Labor? What does that mean for me and what does that mean for my baby?

Lots of questions can swirl around in your head about the thought of preterm labor. For me, I asked: Why is this happening? What is about to Happen? And, What does this mean for my baby?

We go to doctors appointments, we read books, talk to family and friends about pregnancy, due date, birth, and baby. One thing that is not discussed in length if its even talked about at all is What Happens if I go into Preterm Labor.

Some things that we really need to discuss so we are properly prepared for the best possible outcome if PreTerm Labor happens is:

-What is PreTerm Labor?

-What are some signs I need to look for?

-Who do I call and where do I go into PreTerm Labor?

-What Happens if I go into PreTerm Labor?

Lets creat a plan between Mom, Dad, Doctor and Hospital as to the procedure that should take place.

One of the scariest things in Life is the UnExpected!

Lets get down to the nitty-gritty and eliminate the unknown by answering these questions:

What is PreTerm Labor?

PreTerm Labor is defined as: Labor before 37 weeks when your body starts preparing itself for labor.

What are the signs of PreTerm Labor I need to Look for:

– Backache, usually in your lower back. This one is tricky because if your pregnant your back hurts period but this type of Backache should be different than in earlier pregnancy.

-Contractions every 10 minutes, may even be more often

-Need to “Nest” early on. We hear about that burst of energy we get just before baby is due which gives us the need to get the house ready for baby’s arrival. This could mean baby is coming

-“Lightening” this is when you feel your baby drop lower in the your pelvis.

-Discharge mucus whether its brownish or red in color, this could mean your cervix is opening up. This could lead to your water breaking which could be a gush or even a slow and steady trickle.

-Cramping (this could be a big one) in your lower abdomen and feel like menstrual cramps. Maybe accompanied by diarrhea.
-Flu-like symptoms – nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. This one you need to call your doctor right away.

Full disclosure you may have all of these symptoms, one of these symptoms or even a very slight symptom that you think you can brush off. If there is anytime in our lives to be overly sensitive with a heightened sense of our bodies its when we are pregnant. Never and I repeat NEVER feel like you shouldn’t call your doctor if for nothing else than to get some relief that what your experiencing is normal. Or that you need to come in right away. These 9 months you are doing the most important job of you life.

What happens if I have any of the above symptoms?

If you think you have any of the above symptoms call your doctor right away. He/She will either tell you to come into the office or go to the hospital. One thing to remember and I know its hard try and stay calm and lessen your anxiety.

What happens if I go into PreTerm Labor?

One scenario is that you will be put on bed rest. You may be on bed rest at home with doctors orders as to how much you should stay in bed. Or you maybe put on hospital bed rest in the Antepartum Wing. I was put on hospital bed rest for 3 days sent home for 3 nights and then had excessive bleeding and went back to the hospital and stayed another 4 nights before having my little Micropreemie.

Other options for someone who goes into preterm labor: If your cervix is opening sometimes the doctor can put a cerclage, cervical stitch. The idea is that this would prevent your cervix from opening any more.

Medicine to stop contractions can also be given. As well as medicine for the baby to help develop the babies lungs if birth is imminent.

More Information can be found at the below link from WebMD:


At my 20 week ultrasound visit my doctor found that my cervix was opening and I was dilated to a 3. Unfortunately I was not able to get a cerclage because of how far I was already dilated. However, I did not have any other symptoms up to that point.

I was sent to the hospital where they monitored the babies heartbeat and gave me IV fluids. Because bedrest has become somewhat of a controversial topic. Some doctors believe bedrest has not shown any benefit to preventing PreTerm birth. I was sent home to continue on bed rest the best I could with a almost 2 year old toddler at home.

Three nights later at 5am I woke up with a gush of blood and immediately went straight back to the hospital. Once again the babies heartbeat was monitored and I was put on an IV, but this time I was on strict bedrest no getting up for the bathroom or a shower.

She stayed put for 4 more nights. At some point within those 4 nights I ended up getting an infection (hospital stay & infections goes hand in hand, am i right) so i was put on antibiotics. Later I was told that because I had an infection that my body told my baby to jump start those lungs, which is one aspect we credit to her survival.

Lets Talk more about PreTerm Labor! What’s your story? Lets share so that others in this situation can read details from other Moms and better recognize possible symptoms!