A little bit about me and why I’m starting this blog.

My name is Courtney Stensrud and I have been married to my High School Sweetheart for the past 14 years! Together we have 2 of the Best Darn kids in this world. We are truly Blessed!

Our first born was a term baby and the pregnancy was as normal as any pregnancy could be. Our 2nd born was Anything but normal!

Our daughter was born at just 21 weeks 4 days weighing just 14.4oz and 10 1/4” long.

She is my inspiration and driving force behind this blog.

We were given a gift and I want to share her journey with all of you.

Everything from my 20 week ultrasound where my OBGYN found my cervix was thinning and I was 2cm dilated through her 4 month NICU stay and FINALLY coming home!

At 21 weeks gestation most hospitals will not resuscitate a baby. We were, by all means, given a gift by way of Dr. Ahmad (her Neonatologist). He throughly accessed her and decided to resuscitate her.

Jump to her story here: https://wp.me/p9COM2-W

Hospitals are known for having a policy in which they decide without accessing each individual situation what point resuscitation is allowed and most of those are well after 21 weeks. My hope for the future and by way of this blog is to expel these policies!

Send me an email at Courtney@hopefaithandrockstars.com

Follow me on FB, Instagram and Pinterest!

This is a community and together we can be there for each other through what is a particularly important time.

My Handles are:

My husband is a Truck Driver, so trucker slang is in our home 🙂


